Star Leadership Bonus

Star Leadership Bonus

Earn by empowering and building Influencers.

Earn by empowering and building Influencers.

With a Star Leadership Title of 1 Star or higher, you receive a percentage on the Commissionable Volume (CV) from Generations in your downline. The percentages and number of generations you are paid on depend on your Star Leadership Title for the period.

The Commissionable Volume from these Generations includes CV from Customers of a Generational Influencer and the Influencers and Customers below them, down to and including the personal purchases of the next Generational Influencer.

GENERATION 1 4% 6% 8% 10%
GENERATION 2 4% 5% 6%
GENERATION 3  —  — 4% 5%
GENERATION 4  —  —  — 4%

A Generation starts with the Customers and Influencers enrolled by a Generational Influencer and includes all the Customers and Influencers below them, down to and including the next Generational Influencer (but not their Customers or Influencers). A 1st Generation would be the 1st Generational Influencer in a leg, a 2nd Generation would be the next Generational Influencer below them, and so on.


In this example you are paid as a 2 Star in the Star Leadership Program. You earn 6% of the Commissionable Volume from your Generation 1 and 4% from your Generation 2.

Star Leader Bonus Example Graphic